ALC is a Coeur d'Alene Based Law Firm, Handling Probate, Family Law, Bankruptcy, Personal Injury and Civil Litigation Matters

Should I Tell My Boss About The Restraining Order?

Should I Tell My Boss About The Restraining Order?

Only you can assess your particular situation. But there are compelling reasons for alerting your employer. For example, an unknowing co-worker could give the batterer your personal information, which you don’t want him to know. Or, a co-worker could wind up caught in the middle of a violent scene in or near your workplace.

Perhaps you are worried that you will lose your job if you reveal your circumstances. Employers, however, cannot fire or demote you simply because you are a survivor of domestic violence. Recent state legislation prohibits such discrimination. And if your supervisors are aware of the potential danger, they will be better equipped to help protect you and your co-workers. For example, they, too, could seek a restraining order if the situation warrants it. And company security could be warned to be on the lookout for your abuser — and to alert you and your supervisors if he approaches the building.